It’s Our Anniversary!

We have been married for 33 years, and we are still in love and consider each other to be our best friends. We have had our ups and downs, but we have always managed to get through it all.

We have learned that marriage is not perfect, but it is worth it! We have learned to love each other unconditionally, and that is the most important thing we can do for each other!

It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, but don't let life take over so much that you forget each other. Learn to love yourself first, then add on all the other people and stuff. Be careful to not fall into the stuff distraction trap. This rule definitely, hasn't been easy, but we continue to work on ourselves so that we will be better people for each other and others in our lives.

One very critical key for us was learning how to communicate with each other and understanding that communication is at the very heart of any relationship. We discussed everything from racism to religion. There are not too many subjects that are off the table for us, because we want to ensure we share our truths - even when it may be the hardest conversation to endure.

We both came from broken homes so we knew exactly what we didn't want in our marriage. But even with that knowledge, it's easy to get caught up in life's challenges but it takes real tolerance and tenacity to stick together through thick and thin — even when it seems impossible!

A few more reminders - #marriage isn't 50/50. It's 100/100, you both have to give 100% and don’t cause your partner to worry unnecessarily, that's simply not fair play. Talk more & listen to each other daily & remember that time is the only currency we really have!




Let’s Spring into Action & do all the Things!


What Are Your Word(s) For The New Year?