Ep44: Truth & Coffee Time Podcast - Don’t apologize for doing better!

Hey, ya’ll! It’s episode 44 and we are not holding back! We want to understand and share why you should not, “Apologize for doing better!” Most times when you offer that apology, it’s not for you, it’s for the person you are speaking to - you are trying to make them feel better for NOT doing better! But why? Why do you owe anyone an apology because you made better choices, acted on your dreams, executed your vision, and applied greater efforts - you should not apologize for betting on yourself.

Sometimes struggling is a part of the fuel that drives you to push harder and further.  This doesn’t mean that everyone has to struggle to make it or do better, but struggling definitely puts a different fire under your dream or vision for your life. Struggling a bit helps you to compare. In other words, you can see what it looks and feels like to not have. Your life’s comparison to that time of struggle makes the feeling to want to do better burn even stronger. 

It truly is perfectly okay to do better and want more out of your life's journey. So, don't apologize for doing better, instead share your knowledge, reward yourself, clap for yourself and love yourself more! 

Thank you all and don’t forget to check us out wherever you get your podcast fix!  Follow us @DiverseLuv on your social media platforms.  Subscribe, Review, Like, Share & Comment - engage with us!  Keep hanging with us - we got you!

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We Love Y’all For Real!!

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Thank you all and don’t forget to connect with us!

Find Brian & Denise of DiverseLuv on Instagram at @DiverseLuv
Podcast IG: @truthandcoffeetime
Email: truthandcoffeetime@gmail.com

Linktree: DiverseLuv

Podcast Credits
Engineering & Editing by Brigz Crawford | Instagram: @brigzcrawford
Truth & Coffee Time Theme Song by Brigz Crawford |  Spotify:  Brigz Crawford
Truth & Coffee Time Tag - Mink Productions
Podcast Contributors: ORG5

Podcast Hosted by Anchor.fm


Ep45: Truth & Coffee Time Podcast - Let’s talk about..Leadership vs Management w/Leadership Coach Pierre Campbell pt.1


Ep43: Truth & Coffee Time Podcast - They taught us what they knew!