Ep53: Truth & Coffee Time Podcast - Paralysis by Analysis

Hey! Hey! Hello to Season 4 and more engaging topics, inspiring guests, and so much more.  We are kicking off Season 4 with a much-needed topic that so many of us suffer from daily……..Paralysis by Analysis! What are you over-analyzing to the point of paralyzation? You are so hell-bent on the constant re-do and review that it prevents you from releasing. 

Sometimes we overanalyze to the point that it prevents us from simply making a decision or moving forward with a dream or a venture. Because of this we can miss opportunities, miss out on important timings to launch a book or product, and more. We can completely stifle our life's work by serial editing and then fall into a realm of fear. So your dream or body of work goes on unseen and/or unreleased.

Then there's Extinct by Instinct, which means that you release something so fast that it dies before it takes off. So, there is an easy median, there is a balance to it all. There's a sweet spot to just launching - just do it. Research, analyze, accept it and release it. Just do it, there is a tribe for you, and there is a target audience for you! Don't paralyze yourself by over-analyzing - just go for it!

Thank you all and don’t forget to check us out wherever you get your podcast fix!  Follow us @TruthandCoffeetime  and @DiverseLuv on your social media platforms.  Subscribe, Review, Like, Share & Comment - engage with us!  Keep hanging with us - we got you!

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Thank you all and don’t forget to connect with us!

Find Brian & Denise of DiverseLuv on Instagram at @DiverseLuv
Podcast IG: @truthandcoffeetime
Email: truthandcoffeetime@gmail.com

Linktree: DiverseLuv

Podcast Credits
Engineering & Editing by Brigz Crawford | Instagram: @brigzcrawford
Truth & Coffee Time Theme Song by Brigz Crawford |  Spotify:  Brigz Crawford
Truth & Coffee Time Tag - Mink Productions
Podcast Contributors: ORG5

Podcast Hosted by Anchor.fm


Ep54: Truth & Coffee Time Podcast - Is being called a Strong Woman really a compliment? w/Kamesha Milton


Ep52: Truth & Coffee Time Podcast - Come Wrap Up & Recap Season 3 With Us!