We Chose US!


Being an interracial couple has not always been an easy situation BUT not because of us, but more the atmosphere in which we live.  Now don’t get it wrong  - we have been so blessed to have so many great things, people, and experiences in our lives  — and for that, we are more than grateful.  But we have also encountered the ugliness in those who believe they actually have a say in our relationship. We have lost all kinds of relationships — family, friends, colleagues, church members, and more because WE chose to be TOGETHER.

We have been called traitors, sellouts, and some other words that are a bit too risque to name in this blog. It’s a difficult and confusing path sometimes, especially when you know you did it all for the right reasons - LOVE.  Those who oppose an interracial union will sometimes do it out of fear and past hurts.  Some may oppose out of feeling a sense of ownership of their culture, so they feel they must be on protection duty. A few may even feel that it is their religious duty to speak out against interracial unions, as though it is a sin or some sort of transgression. While others may just be downright nasty, offensive, and racist.

It is in the worst of times that a couple must stand strong and reaffirm their “why”.  They must not criticize or blame one another for the actions of their cultures.  Instead, they must implement their desirability to be together stronger than ever.  They must exercise empathy toward one another and hold each other upright while marching forward as they troubleshoot how to handle each situation together.  You must keep the lines of communication open with one another.  No matter how challenging the open dialogue may become, it is a necessary act of resolution - without it, someone is sure to get hurt, and even worse, the relationship will suffer.  Remember you are each other's confidant, each other's support, and each other's safe space.  If you chose each other, for the right reasons and all are morally sound - be steadfast in your choice and unmoveable in your decision.

As I said, it hasn’t always been hard, but when it was, through it all WE CHOSE US! When things got out of hand - WE CHOSE US! When people hated our Luv - WE CHOSE US! When some in the church turned their backs on us - WE CHOSE US!  When adults criticized our biracial kids - WE CHOSE US! When some family members chose to disown our Luv - WE CHOSE US!

It’s been over 32 years and WE ARE STILL CHOOSING US!!  

Please continue to share this experience with us - we got you!



It’s the 3 Ps of Luv for Us!