It’s the 3 Ps of Luv for Us!


The past year and a half have brought so much pain and uncertainty. It has been a year where you have to really stop, evaluate and seek out the strength to keep going. A year where the very word love, means more than it ever has before. We have witnessed so much strain and stress on friends, family members, colleagues, and strangers alike. The pandemic brought job losses, love losses, and for some life losses. In it all, we reach out and continue to say to so many, “We love y'all, for real!”

Does love mean the same when you are going through hellish times and precarious moments? How do you know what type of love to hold onto when it seems everything around you is nearing shambles? We often tell others that, “We love y'all for real” because we believe, at any moment, that sentence is just what someone may have needed right then and there! That very moment they may begin to evaluate the love they need the most and that simple sentence sparked it all.  Maybe it was the one fleeting statement of emotion that helps to dig them out of life’s not-so-perfect situations.

So how does one begin to dig and evaluate a few types of love?  We believe it all comes down to the three P’s, which are: Personal Luv, Projected  Luv, and Professional Luv. Let’s get into it!

  1. PERSONAL LUV:  Do something daily that allows you to fall in love with yourself over and over again.   Exhaustive love for yourself will help you to achieve self-worth, value, and admiration for yourself. You should love spending time with yourself - enjoy who you are! You really do matter!

  2. PROJECTED LUV:  Evaluate what you love about your spouse/partner, family, friends, associates, and community.  Ensure that your love is authentic and reciprocated in some healthy form. Respond to your inner voice and be careful to project your love to the authenticity of your subject and not the ideal image of what you think they should or should not be.

  3. PROFESSIONAL LUV:  Take time to learn the love language of the different circles in which you network.  Be a resource, but also learn to accept the resources God sends your way. Be open to diverse dialogue and inclusive conservations. Be a problem solver and not a problem starter.  

It’s never too late to start the self-evaluation of love within yourself and your circles.  Although these are some crazy times, make the most out of them by exercising the 3 Ps of Luv.





We Chose US!