Broke but not Broken


Time for a bit of #truthandcoffee

This weekend, we reminisced over the 30+ years that we have been together. We talked about the good, the bad, and the really really crazy times we have endured over the years.

But one of our conversations struck us more deeply than usual.  It was the memories and dialogue of our blessings. Of course, there were many events that happened in our lives that we could call our own little personal blessing. Blessings of us just meeting each other, blessings with our kids, blessings with our many GrandJoys, and the list could go on and on throughout the many years we have been together.  But on this day, this one day, we stood in the middle of our yard and viewed our home, however humble and we could not help but be especially grateful for our blessings.  

Gratitude can definitely be described as the attitude you embody, but sometimes gratitude is as simple as going from nothing to “your” something.  We have been through our share of nothings, our share of hardship, our share of trials and tribulations, our share of simply being broke. Have you ever been so broke that you could not even afford a Pepsi and a bag of chips?  Have you ever been so broke that you could not afford 6 roses on your anniversary to give to that very special person?  So broke that even the cheapest hotel, while in a state of homelessness is still too expensive?  We have and it was in those times that we really had to dig deep to keep ourselves united and focused on what we did have versus what we didn’t have.  Now that is an easy statement to just float off of your tongue because it is so easy to be grateful for the few when you know more abounds.


Times for us in our earlier marriage was so hard, that at one brief moment, we actually lived out of our car. But even during those times we didn’t blame each other, we didn’t belittle each other, and we didn’t leave, we were broke but refused to be broken! We girded up, we bonded more, we set goals, we cried together and tried together. We held each other and spoke life over each other. Statistics state that financial problems are among the biggest reasons for divorce. But God says it really doesn’t have to be!

We remembered those times of struggles as we stood in our yard, and it dawned on us that we had learned one huge lesson that has always been with us - although we were once BROKE, we were never BROKEN!!!



Geez, Microaggression Much?!


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