The Power of Conflict Resolution with Perspectives


Conflict resolution is not always easy.  It can happen in many different places among many different people.  In order to effectively attempt a successful resolve, one must take into account all the perspectives of the parties involved.  In order to be a successful problem-solver among people, you must learn how to emotionally react without over-reacting to the differences that lie within each one of us.  Once a person denies the differences or perspectives of another, it shows the limitations in their thinking, therefore inclusively resolving conflict on a fair scale is not possible.  It’s not possible because, once parties feel that their differences in thoughts and requirements are dismissed, they are no longer interested in whatever resolution you may be bringing to the table. 

My belief is with any conflict resolution you must start your thoughts off by being inclusive.  Really willing to not just hear the other person’s point of view, but to truly listen and find how it may resonate with you.  Make a conscious effort to understand that the other person’s perspective may be different from yours but, with understanding from both parties an attempt at a fair decision can be achieved.  It is absolutely okay for people to have very different perspectives than one another  - that is the beauty of being a diverse population. 

So here is a share of 5 different points in taking account of another person perspective, according to Psychology Today (The Importance of Taking the Perspective of Others)

  • Every person’s perspective is unique, each vantage point is different.

  • Perspectives for most people come out of their experiences.  How they may view a situation or circumstance is pulled from what they know.  The more a person learns the more their perspective is broadened.

  • People’s perspectives change.  It literally can change according to their current situation or environment.

  • Two different people can hear one identical message and get completely different interpretations from what they heard.  The messenger may be the exact same, but the receivers are completely different in thoughts and comprehension.

  • Conflicts can often happen because we want others to think and feel the same as we do.  That is rarely the case, which is why there is conflict in the first place.  So perspective-taking measures are key to resolutions.

 So, the next time you find yourself in a conflict, be sure to remember to take a step back and view the other’s perspective - it is a definite step toward inclusive understanding.



Broke but not Broken
